Sunday, May 25, 2008

Review: Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

I'll post a full review in a week or two, once most people have seen it and I can discuss the plot in more detail, but for now I'll do the short short version-

It's not a classic Indy movie. As a matter of fact it seems almost like an epilogue for the character, a REAL last crusade. The plot is kinda out there, very very different then what has come before, but it fits with the new times that the film is set in.

The film, in my opinion, lacked grounding- a feeling reinforced by use of Computer Graphics. the old Indy movies felt very real precisely because "special effects" were used perhaps once in the entire movie. This movie uses these effects MUCH more liberally, and it detracts that element of realism that I so enjoyed about Indy's action sequences.

The KGB makes a great villain and Kate Blanchet works wonders as the head commie. Her speeches are peppered with Soviet Propaganda and her comments about the rise of Soviet power are chilling. Her minions make good foils for Indy and his new James-Dean-Jacket-Clad sidekick, Mutt.

In all, it's still a fun movie, particularly if you were a big fan of the previous movies. It's recomended for a lazy afternoon.

Final Score- 7.7 out of 10

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