Friday, May 23, 2008

A Statement of Principals (Or: Calling Shenanigans)

Hello my adoring (read: loathing and/or barely tolerating) public!

You knew it was only a matter of time before I graced you with my innermost thoughts and ramblings, and since most of you have never had the overwhelming joy of hearing my nasal and frequent outbursts about the world, I have decided to share with you in the only way my generation knows how- anonymously, over the internet, without having to actually do anything.

But, you may ask me, why should you care? Who are you? How did you get this phone number? Are you the one who's been going through my garbage at night?!

In short- Because I say so, Mr. Hedge (Grand Admiral Hedge to my friends), It's on your facebook page, and emphatically yes.

In long- I'm someone who thinks, nay knows, most people on earth are full of it and that hypocrites run the planet. I'm of the center-right persuasion, and I'm not going to hesitate to throw some punches at my fellow self-labeled conservatives, but the majority of my political ire will be addressed to the left side of the spectrum. To help you understand me I release this: My Statement of Principals!

Mr. Hedge's Statement of Principals

1) Hypocrisy is the greatest of sins. Hypocrites have no place in society, particularly in government. In relation to this, pointing out the Hypocrisy of others is not an excuse for your own hypocrisy and just makes you look like an even bigger jackass then before. I reserve the rights to call shenanigans on hypocrites.

2) A Man is as good as his word. If you make a promise, you darn well keep it. If you are forced to break it, you grovel and have a darn good excuse.

3) Government will never work perfectly. Since it will never work perfectly, we should limit it's interaction with areas of our lives that can't afford the intervention. We should however, not hesitate to use it if no other organization can provide the service (IE National Defense).

4) I am more conservative then not. I do not hold grudges against people based on there political affiliations. To me, the other side of the spectrum is not evil, just horribly misguided or uninformed. I can see legitimate reasons to disagree with me on some issues (not all issues are one sided after all), and if I can see a legitimate argument AGAINST something I feel, I shall point it out.

5) I am a geek. Some times I shall slide into discussing the most dorky of things, like comic books, movies, TV shows and Lost (Note: Lost is not a TV show, despite the common misconception. Lost is a way of life.) You can expect AT LEAST one post a week on these topics.

6) Snarkiness and other forms of humor are prized regardless of political affiliation. I will enjoy any mass media presentation, even if it's targeted at me and it's amusing. If it's not amusing, I'll hate it.

7) is life.

8) Everything is politics.

And there we go. Those are my principals. Onward to the commentary!

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